I have been a lover of public broadcasting since I can remember. I started out watching shows like Sesame Street with snuffleupagus and Electric Company. "N"..."un"..."N".."un"."N-un".."Nun!" As my son was growing up we enjoyed watching shows such as Arthur and Reading Rainbow. Oh, alright, yeah I watched Barney too, and I liked it (don't hate me).

Even now I regularly listen to NPR. I love shows such as Car Talk, This American Life, Talk of the Nation, Whad'Ya Know?, Prairie Home Companion, The People's Pharmacy, All Things Considered, and of course Fresh Air with Terry Gross. All fabulous shows that SSB and I have enjoyed many an hour while driving up to my parents, on the way to the home improvement box-store of our choice on the weekend, and while getting loads of compost for the garden.

I discovered from Karla's blog that our government will VERY SHORTLY (PERHAPS EVEN AS SOON AS TOMORROW!!) be considering cutting funding to these public education services. Yes, they have decided that education is not a priority for the citizens of this country. I think they realize that ignorant masses are far easier to persuade. That's why Democrats don't vote Republican- we value education and thus are smart enough to know better.

I think to myself, what would my life be without government funded public broadcasted programs, such as those previously mentioned? I think it might be very different. I would not have gotten an early start on my education. I would not have had as many tools available to me to give my son an early start on his education. There are so many things that I have learned from listening to public radio, I don't even know where to begin.

I wanted to do something about it, so tonight I sent an email to my representatives in Congress to let them know how I feel about this issue. I wish that I was a more eloquent writer, but I'm hoping that just knowing that there are people who care and feel strongly about education will urge them to take a stand. I trust Russ to stand up for education. He was the ONLY one to vote AGAINST the Patriot Act! Way to go Russ! You are my hero. Let's hope that you can help us out here.

If you would like to help, please sign the petition and send an email to your Congress people.
Here is my email to my reps in congress:
TO: WI Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl and US Representative Ron Kind
FROM: Sylvana

Dear Senators Feingold and Kohl and Representative Kind,

I remember as a four year old child, my first educational experience was learning my colors, numbers and how to read from public television. My family didn't have money to give me and my siblings a head start in our education. If it weren't for the government funding that public television received, we may not have gone on to be high honor roll students and productive citizens of WI and the US.

WI has long been known and respected for its support for a strong educational system. Because WI has had education as one of its highest priorities we have had a strong, intelligent, valuable workforce, benefiting WI as a whole. It has also kept us at the forefront in research which has benefited the entire country and the world.

As representatives of the people of WI in Washington, it should be a priority to continue to support education as a crucial, sensible investment for the future of our state and country. Congress must save NPR, PBS and local public stations. We trust them for in-depth news and educational children's programming. It's money well spent.

Very Sincerely Yours,


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Blogger Sask 1 said...


June 21, 2005 9:55 AM

Blogger evilsciencechick said...

1 2 3 FOUR 5, 6, 7, 8, NINE 10...11...tweeeeeeelllllvvvve!!!

done and DONE!


June 21, 2005 11:25 AM

Blogger ERL said...

i heard about this i think that it's horrifying. done.

June 21, 2005 2:47 PM

Blogger Shannon said...

I'm so fired up about this issue! I can't possibly live without my NPR. It's constantly on my radio. ARGH! I'm so angry.

June 22, 2005 8:53 AM

Blogger Sylvana said...

I am SO HAPPY to see that so many of you also enjoy public broadcasting and are "fired up about this issue" (as Shannon put it). You guys made my day! :)

June 22, 2005 9:24 AM

Blogger Karla said...

You GO girl!
I just got an email from MoveOn.org that says that the 200 million dollar cut did not pass, but that they still did do some cuts.
But they heard the 1million+ poeple that protested, and knew they could not get it past.
I urge everyone to sign up at MoveON to keep abreast of this situation, and wait for other action items!
WE can't stop now!

June 24, 2005 2:05 PM

