He says, "What?"
"You need to be the next great American teenage heart-throb so that we never have to work again."
He tilts his head down slyly and looks up through a little of his bangs hanging over part of his face. "I don't think it would be right to abuse my powers." Then he smiles ever so slightly.
Yeah, he knows how to work it. Anyone know a good agent?
sideshow bob said...
I think we need him to have a bad agent...someone who would recommend that he turn over the financial interests to us.
sands of time said...
He's too much of a charmer that kid of yours.
Elizabeth said...
So that's why people have kids!
Derek Knight said...
my parents had me to mow the lawn.
Sylvana said...
SSB, just as long as it isn't one that embezzles the money for themselves.
Pink Lady, I know! And getting more so by the day!
Elizabeth, what other reason could there be?
Derek, I was my parents' dishwasher and floor waxer.-
ORF said...
Maybe y'all should talk to Poppa Joe Simpson. I hear he's got some time on his hands now that Nick's out of the picture...they'll probably be looking for someone to set Ashleeeee up with soon too!
Sylvana said...
ORF, like I'd ever let that fake whiny skank whore near my son! He's SO out of her league!
DrMax said...
My only talent in my teenage years was in acne production.
SierraBella said...
drmax, that was a good one!
JD is so totally a charmer.-
Sylvana said...
DrMax, I made sure to get him on a skin care regimen before he reached the highly hormonal adolescence.
Sierrabella, he IS! He IS!!!-
Wendy A said...
Sounds like another Clint Eastwood.
Sylvana said...
Wendy A, was Clint a teenage heart throb?
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