The guys were supposed to take our old bedding, but they did not! We were both a little pissed at that. Our old bed was a soft-side water bed and they told us that they don't take those or their box springs because there is no metal in them. We spent nearly two hours digging that damn box spring out of storage. Could they have told us that at the store when they told us that they would take our old bedding. Asswipes!
I had just gotten the sheets on the bed when SSB came up and shut the door saying that we should try out the bed before his appointment ;) My verdict on that aspect of the bed? Giggidy-giggidy! Oh yeah!
It is so nice to have a real, honest to goodness, grown-up bed finally! It looks great in the room with all the "exotic travel" style furniture that we own. We have had the bed a whole 33 hours and I'm still loving it. It does give off fumes since it is foam, but it is supposed to go away after a week or two. They aren't that strong. I'm pretty sensitive to that sort of thing, but this hasn't caused me any problems yet. I'll keep you posted. As far as sex stories, you might want to visit Evil Science Chick's blog to get your fix. I'm not giving out that kind of info on this blog- my son might read it! Eek! Imagine that! He'd be traumatized for life!
evilsciencechick said...
dammit! I want sex stories!
heehee....glad the new mattress lived up to your "expectations."
and I post about sex THAT much? I think i'm pretty tame compared to SOME sites :)-
SierraBella said...
Seems like it took forever to get this bed, huh?
Glad it tested out!-
OldRoses said...
33 HOURS??????? SSB, I'm really impressed. Sylvana, I hope you know that you are one lucky lady. 33 hours . . . damn, that's incredible.
Maria said...
New beds are so much fun. I can't wait until I am able to buy a headboard and all that so mine looks like a real bed.
MacHeadCase said...
A new bed gets old knots untangled. When we changed our mattress my back kept doing little pop! sounds for a week and I felt like a new girl. :^D
Tammy said...
Congrats on the new bed! I think the foam smell would drive me nutz. But it'll pass I suppose. Say a little prayer for those next in Line for Hurricane Katrina.
DrMax said...
Honest to goodness! Giggidy, giggidy? Is THAT kind of language really necessary? Remember, you live in Wisconsin.
Spencer said...
new bed sounds like fun to me!
Sylvana said...
ESC-'s not so much that you talk about it a lot, it's that you give so much detail. That's where I go for my sex story fix ;)
Sierrabella- they said that it would be less than two weeks. I think it took over three! I called and bugged them about it otherwise it probably would have been longer.
OldRoses- That doubles our previous record ;)
Maria- I would like a headboard but I am opting out of any bed with a footboard. I have been a victim of those damn things way too many times!
Macheadcase- that's what I am hoping for. My joints crack and pop too.
Tammy- it only smelled for a few days. Now when we go in the room I can't even smell it. I thought it would take a lot longer. I got a knock-off pillow and nearly had to throw the damn thing away it reeked so bad and was like that for a couple of weeks. I had to put it in another room until it mellowed out.
BTW, I am keeping my eye on the news and wishing everyone well.
DrMax- I'm from Northern Wisconsin, home of the lumberjacks. We all talk like crusty, drunken old men up there.-
Sandy said...
We got a new kingsize bed recently. aahh bed....we love going to bed.
Jennifer said...
Congrats on the new bed!
My SO wants a new bed but I just bought it 5 years ago. He says it is too firm for his liking. Maybe when it's time we will look at the foam ones. Are they really that comfortable? How many years are they supposed to last?-
Randi said...
congrats!!! i love getting new beds, its better than getting a new car!
Sylvana said...
Spencer- I don't know why we waited so long.
Sandy- we can't go anywhere near the bed without hopping onto it.
Jennifer- So far we still really like the bed. It is pretty comfortable. Thay say that the longer that you use it, the more comfortable it gets. It has a 20 year warrantee. They didn't start selling them to the public until the early 90s so I really don't know much about their durability other than their warrantee.
Randi- yeah, but beds don't have that wonderful new car smell.-
The Other Half said...
new beds are sooooo much fun...just don't wear it out too quickly!!!
evilsciencechick said... new post for a while....
still enjoying that mattress, huh? ;)-
sands of time said...
Ive had that problem in the past my kids reading my blog.Makes for some red faces sometimes
Sylvana said...
Wendi- we'll try not too ;)
ESC- hey, the salesmonster said that we were supposed to break it in good, otherwise we would not realize the complete comfort that is Tempurpedic. I'm only following the instructions!
June- I remember you saying that. How's it going lately? If my son read anything like-you-know-what, he would immediately run away and never speak of it again.
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