The clip is a little hit and miss, but it should be streaming video. If it isn't, uh, maybe try replaying it a couple of times. I really have no idea how I fixed that.
Dr. Who said...
Just one word: "Wow!"
If I didn't see it with my eyes, I would never believe it!-
Sylvana said...
That's exactly what I thought! I have already seen this video about ten times I like it so much.
Sandy said...
Wow that was cool!
Indigo Red said...
Where can I get an octopus? I've got a major shark problem around the old homestead lately.
Sylvana said...
Sandy, oh yeah!!
Indigo Red, Petsmart or any good Asian market.-
sands of time said...
That is totally WOW
Sylvana said...
June, I'm so glad that others found it as "Wow" as I did.
evilsciencechick said...
oooo...creepy! I showed it to the rest of my lab and we were all impressed.
Sylvana said...
Who would've thunk it? Octopi are very smart creatures too. They are one of the species that I would like to study.
DrMax said...
Here's a phrase I never thought I'd would say in my life. "That poor shark."
Sylvana said...
He does look so innocent, doesn't he? Just out for a little swim...and WHAMMO!
Jennifer said...
Wow! I had no idea that they could do that to sharks.
Sylvana said...
Jennifer, I just wonder what kind of metabolism an octopus must have. That is a HUGE meal!
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