......that way you fart during the night.
evilsciencechick said...
I'll have to keep that in mind...-
OldRoses said...
That is truly profound. What are you feeding that kid? Besides burritos?
Sylvana said...
ESC, that's exactly what I thought after I quit laughing my ass off.
OldRoses, he really does come up with some pretty profound stuff. Like the chin thing. Oh, and he REALLY likes burritos!-
Sask 1 said...
Maybe not so good if you have someone sharing your bed though.
DrMax said...
Don't let him sleep on your new mattress.
Randi said...
huh...thats interesting
Sylvana said...
June, so true.
DrMax, believe me, he's not going anywhere near my new mattress with his burrito bombs!
Randi, I had never really given it much consideration myself.-
Jennifer said...
Kids always tell it like it is. :)
Sylvana said...
Jennifer, yeah, cause they don't know any better! ;)
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