Here is the result of your ACL 100 Point Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 77 of 100 questions, making you 23.0% sexually pure (77.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 23.0% pure in the sex domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 40%, based on a comparison of your test results with 879613 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 56.5%.
The first submission for this test was received June 16, 1994.
To test your purity go to:
Randi said...
i was 30% pure
Kari said...
i was 45%
Sylvana said...
There's still time ;)
sideshow bob said...
I'm only 65% corrupt:( but maybe a little more....have we done it at your parents house? I put no, but then I wasn't entirely sure...
Sylvana said...
Well, yeah! And yours.
Jennifer said...
32% pure!
Sylvana said...
Ha!HA! Jennifer is less pure than you!
OldRoses said...
33% Definitely something wrong with the scoring system. I was sure it was going to be much lower. I was a dissipated youth.
The Doc said...
I'm 35% pure, which is actually much lower than I expected. Maybe I just don't think certain things are dirty...
Sylvana said...
OldRoses, maybe you were more into quantity and not as much into novelty.
TheDoc, I think you should deduct a point for not recognizing some of these things as dirty.-
Scott said...
You want a weirdness factor? My (now) wife and I swapped scores from this test after our first date. That may have been what kept us interested in going on a second :)
Sylvana said...
Scott, that is weird. And it made me laugh. What a great story.
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