SSB: Ew. They even have the slimey pharmaceutical reps here. [motions to guy in a suit with a couple of brief cases]
Sy: Oh. Is that what he is? I thought he was here selling insurance.
SSB: 'Last chance before your diagnosis!'
evilsciencechick said...
tell him to hold his head sideways and jump on one foot.
SSB...not the insurance guy. though that would have been pretty funny.-
DrMax said...
Show hoo dud FFB no ee ad whater en eus eer? Dud peple's oices shouwnd unny?
Sylvana said...
ESC, you forgot the part where I was supposed to video tape that and post it on my blog.
DrMax, sumthin like that.-
Spencer said...
Have a great weekend!-
sands of time said...
Hope he gave you a good deal.
SierraBella said...
The suit was probably there to upgrade the good doctor's malpractice insurance!
Run SSB!-
Sylvana said...
Spencer, thanks! I had a good laugh over it. Everyone was looking at me strange, but I am used to that. It happens ALL THE TIME!
June, I have a friend that sells insurance. She'd kill me if I cheated on her.
Sierrabella, I hadn't even thought of that! Our doctor isn't really a doctor yet. But she's damn better than ANY of the doctors there- so he must have been there for someone else.-
sideshow bob said...
I'd love to leave a comment, but I received a 'script for Allegra, so I'm off running through a grassy field somewhere, not giving a good goddamn about my allergies. Or maybe I'm, wait; kayaking is for the herpes people.
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