Sy: [smiles and sticks out her tongue]
SSB: I still love you.
Sy: [fake crying into her hands and trying not to giggle]
SSB: What? I said I loved you.
Sy: [peaking around one of her hands] Yeah, you love me despite me.
SSB: That's not what I said. I said I loved you then and I still love you now.
Sy: That's not what you meant.
SSB: How do you know what I meant?
Sy: Because I know you.
SSB: [smiling slyly] and I still love you.
Sy: [kisses SSB and smiles even more slyly] And I still love you.
evilsciencechick said...
I threw up in my mouth a bit...but still...
sideshow bob said...
I still love you!
evilsciencechick said...
Sylvana said...
ESC- Didn't get enough, eh? Had to come back for more:)
SSB- No matter what I do, you will still love me!-
OldRoses said...
You're a lucky lady. Enjoy!
DrMax said...
Dr. Max: I love you...
Hostess Chocolicious Wonka Cake:
Dr. Max: Your odd but yummy purple colored icing and smooth creamy filling.....
Hostess Chocolicious Wonka Cake:
Dr. Max: I don't care what the other snack cakes think you're "strange", I still love you!
Hostess Chocolicious Wonka Cake:
Dr. Max: [smiling shyly] Would I have eaten half a box of you if I DIDN'T love you?
Hostess Chocolicious Wonka Cake:
Dr. Max: [mouth full of Hostess Chocolicious Wonka Cake] Anf I fill wuff ooo.-
Sylvana said...
I haven't even heard of those cakes. I think I need to get out of the house today and go on a mission to find these intriguing delicacies.
Sylvana said...
Old Roses- Thanks!
The joke here is that even though I was being a turd, he still loves me. So now we say that as a joke when the other person has done something naughty. It's like saying, "That was bad, but I still love you."
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