I would also like to say a special thank you for all of those that commented on the last couple of posts (especially the "Back to the Puppet Mill" post). All your comments gave me a lot to think about. I liked that some of you were with me on the idea that the school system is seriously flawed for those outside the norm. That helped me feel that I was not alone. I also greatly appreciated those that commented about their families working in the school system, and hearing their side of things. Like The Doc said- "hey, those are my parents they're talking about!" I hope that everyone with an intelligent argument can feel free to voice it here- whether it agrees with what I have said or not! I may seem stubborn, but I can't argue with a good argument!
sideshow bob said...
Dammit, you've doubled me!
Maria said...
You're going to pass me in no time flat! I hope everything with your son works out. I don't know how parents do it these days. I think raising a kid must be the hardest job on earth.
SierraBella said...
evilsciencechick said...
proud to be a stalkeresque high propotion of that 4000
DrMax said...
I can only dream of 4000 visits. The Sun will engulf the Earth as a red giant, before I reach 2000.
Sylvana said...
SSB- Hmmm...two SSBs? Now THAT sounds interesting!
Maria- Parenting is extremely difficult. You are responsible for the life and future of another human being. And people will fight your decisions every step of the way.
Sierrabella- Thanks!
ESC- You really are my #1 commenter. Even past my own husband- SSB, bow to the master!
DrMax- You have far better content that I do! Maybe we need to devise a marketing scheme.-
Shannon said...
4000! Bravo!
Sylvana said...
Shannon- *takes a bow* Thank You! Your blog was one of my first finds on the internet. Good show!
ORF said...
ESC, you've got something brown on your nose ;) heehee!
The Doc said...
Congratulations on the nice stats, and I hope to continue to be a minor, semi-anoying presence in the comments for years to come.
Sylvana said...
ORF, bow to the master!
TheDoc, you are always welcome here.
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