The Rules:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.
Seems simple enough. Besides, it has been awhile since I have dug through my archives and I had some pretty good stuff back then. So here goes...
From "The Grass is Greener"
There was a guy from Hawaii on and they were announcing the prize that could be his if the price were right and my housemate turns to me and says, "Wouldn't it be funny if it were a trip to Hawaii?"
Now as for tagging, I hate to tag. But what the hell. It's short and sweet, and you don't have to if you don't want to. It won't break my heart, but five orphaned children will go to hell with you if you don't.
Evil Science Chick
Sideshow Bob
Update 10/01/05: I see that all the girls on my list have already posted their response and the boys have not. So here's to the ladies! Girl's Rock!
SierraBella said...
Great line!
sands of time said...
Thanks.At least i know what to post tommorrow
sideshow bob said...
Burn, babies, burn!
sideshow bob said...
Awwww! I read your post again; I remember back when I was "housemate". Memories!
Shannon said...
Yeah! Make Bob post!!!
I'll be sure to post mine at work when I get paid to mean on my lunch hour.-
Scott said...
Holy cow - with sentences that long, how'd you make it to 5?
evilsciencechick said...
I have dutifully complied, m'lady ;)
Sylvana said...
Sierrabella, thanks. I was glad to see that it was a good one, too.
June, just tagging you back.
SSB, memories! Hope you like the smell of burning orphans.
Shannon, I liked yours. I still can't believe that I didn't post a comment on it when you first posted it.
Scott, the post was only two sentences long.
ESC, yeah! I saw. It was lovely!-
DrMax said...
Syl, here is what my posting said,
Tyler: MANNY, you're kidding me right?
I just HATE "chain" stuff so I'm not going to put it on my blog or contact anybody else. I'm not trying to be a poop, but if we all keep forwarding these dumb tags they will never go away.
And everyone reading that last paragraph has to post it to five blogger friends comment fields or a clown will blow up.-
OldRoses said...
Yay! Exploding clowns! Can I read it twice and blow up 2 clowns?
Sylvana said...
No, DrMax, I'm the poop. But, I'm with OldRoses on this one- exploding clowns?! I'm for sure not sending this out. What could be more fun than exploding clowns?
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