When I lived in Milwaukee we called drinking fountains bubblers. Even when I moved "Up North" they called it a bubbler so I didn't have a problem there. But when I went to college (a private college in Wisconsin considered a midwest ivy league where a lot of people from the East coast with lots of money sent their mediocre kids because they couldn't get into a real ivy league) they would laugh at me and say that a bubbler was something that you put in a fish tank. Drinking fountain did sound more eloquent even if it does take longer to say when "it's 300 degrees outside and I need some water" (Shannon), so I adopted it. I occassionally revert to bubbler, just like I occassionally revert to sailor language (known as French to some, and gratuitous swearing to others) when I go back home.

I was going to talk about the whole "duck, duck, goose" vs "duck, duck, grey duck" (twitterpated) in the last post but it was just coming out as a huge ramble and I like to keep things short. I learned it as duck, duck, goose. Goose is faster to say, it just makes sense. My housemate is a grey-ducker though. He says he likes the way it sounds. We'll battle that one out later.

When I was in Minnesota, they called hot dishes/casseroles (which was the dealer's choice terms we used to call a meal that had everything in one dish) goulash. I was always under the impression that goulash was a very specific dish sort of like a stew that was made with chunks of mammal meat, potatoes, and some sort of spicy creamy/tomatoey sauce. I had actually met a girl from Hungary while in Scotland and she made goulash and that's what she made which confirmed my belief in my definition- but tomato/tomatoe I guess.

