Anonymous said...

Sunday, March 04, 2007 | 0 Comments

It has come to my attention that one of my long-time regular readers who has left Blogger for another platform can no longer leave comments because I do not have the "anonymous" feature enabled. I had decided when I started my blog to leave it at Blogger-only people to avoid trolls and spam. But, for AG I will, after two+ years of resisting, turn on anonymous comments. If I get any troll comments I will be deleting them, so I would suggest that everyone ignore them.

Welcome back, AG!


ag said...

Yay!!! Thanks!!!!

(I'll try not to act like a troll.)

Elizabeth said...

Great! Why can't AG keep a blogger profile for the sake of commenting on blogs? Just curious. What's up?

ag said...

Elizabeth- because I have a google/blogger account that is related to work and I don't want to post under that. I have another that is associated with my old blog but I can't log into it without getting logged out after one minute- just weird stuff. I also don't want to create a third account. I have an LJ and allow anon comments because Sy and SSB don't want an LJ account. Because I like them so much it's no trouble for me to allow anon people to comment, and not make my posts "friends only."

So, that's what's up. :)

Sylvana said...

Aw, you're welcome AG.
A few other people had requested this and I had declined every time - so consider yourself special. :)

Lyvvie said...

I've never had troll troubles. I do have comments e-mailed to me so anyone spamming my archives I can delete right away.

I think you'll be just fine.

Sylvana said...

Lyvvie, I have my comments emailed to me too. It really does help with cleaning those archives.

