
Sunday, March 25, 2007 | 0 Comments

3/25/2007 09:44:00 PM | 3 Comments

Tonight was the end of season bowling banquet. Tonight we were actually playing for money, which was cool - but I didn't even know that until afterwards.

We played 9-pin, which means that if you get nine pins on your first roll it counts as a strike. I didn't get to take advantage of that too much - I think I only got that three time in our three games. But, it really didn't matter because I was on fire, baby!

Well, relatively speaking, I mean.

My first game I bowled a 177!!! A FRICKIN 177!! That is my all-time high score! I did have one 9-pin, but even so, that's an awesome score for me.

My second game I bowled a 135. I was even excited to get that, even after getting a 177, because my average is 116. The 135 was straight up too; no 9-pins.

My final game I wasn't doing so hot, but I finished strong (triple X's in the tenth frame helped me a lot- first time ever for that - sweet!) with a 158!

I was so giddy I was practically dancing to our table for the banquet portion of the night. The food was even really good. I stuffed myself so full I was in pain. But I practically forgot all about the pain when my name was announced as coming in 5th for women series* in the 9-pin tournament and an envelope was handed to me with actual money in it! Wahhoo! It was only $10, but it was more than I was expecting and I had the added bonus of placing in the tournament - so I'll take that!

And it got better.

There was a door prize drawing. Each team was to bring one $10 gift for a man and one $10 gift for a woman. Names were drawn and these gifts were given away. Only half the people were going to get a gift, and SSB and I both got one! He got a gift card to Menards (which he promptly, and wisely, handed to me) and I got a gift card to Walmart (which I promptly handed to him - he picks up pet supplies from there on his way home from school sometimes).

All-in-all I had bowl-tastic night!

*handicaps were applied.


Heather said...

What an exiting night!! Congrats!! :)

ag said...

I'd love to see some pics sometime! Not just of the food, of course.

Sylvana said...

Heather, I'm still excited!

AG, we always forget to take our camera to the lanes. But we should be going again in the next couple of weeks - so maybe soon.

