I noticed that it happens after I change something in my template. But then, the last time I messed with my template was last night and it was working fine this morning. SO, now I'm not really sure what is going on.
I won't be able to fix it until later today when I get home which rather pisses me off. BUT, whatcha gonna do?
If any of you have any idea what is eating my template, please for the love of sappy-eyed puppies, let me know!!
cookie christine said...
if you'd like, I can send you mine, and you can compare, as we have the same template and I haven't made too many changes.
Sylvana said...
Cookie Christine, thanks, that's very kind of you. I saved a copy of my template awhile ago and update that copy periodically so that changes that I make can be saved or reversed. And I started doing that BEFORE my blog mysteriously started disappearing. Some people say that I worry too much and I am overly paranoid. Well, who's laughing now!! ;)
Van! said...
I want naked pics...
OldRoses said...
Naked Picts? They're blue. From dye, not cold. Haven't been seen much since the Roman invasion of Britain.
Sylvana said...
Van!, you are freakin me out. I was just over on another blog where she was talking about Googling your own name. I had never done that before, so I did. And the very top link was NAKED PICS of someone with my name (first and last match!)!! She was a porn star in the 70s. Freaky deaky!!
OldRoses, I wouldn't be surprised to find that I descended from them.-
Shamus O'Drunkahan said...
WHAT? All this time I thought YOU were that 70's porn star.
Way to break the illusion, Syl.-
Sylvana said...
Shamus, I was also a naked dancer in a horror movie. I've been BUSY!!
sideshow bob said...
When are we going to get the royalty checks from that movie?
Lindsay Lobe said...
Hi Sylvana
I dont have the solution but I think maybe it has something to do with your security settings on your computer, quite apart from Google. Could be blocking Pop Ups and some of your postings!
Reduce the settings. ( assuming you have anti spy ware or could it be anti Sylg- ha ha) and see what happens
Best wishes
I could see all of your blog okay !!
Best wishes-
Sylvana said...
Lindsay, I was able to fix my template once I got home from work on Friday - that's why you could see it OK. I know how to fix it because this has happened MANY times before. It started a month or so ago. Part of my blog's template actually disappears - just the bottom 1/4 or so. It doesn't always end at the same point either. It is quite a mystery!! I fix it by copying and pasting that part of the template back into Blogger (I saved a copy of my template awhile ago just in case).
I think I might have figured out what was happening. The code for Creative Commons was looking a little fishy. I think it may have become corrupted and was chewing up the rest of the template - BUT, I'm just guessing really. I took out the Creative Commons code. We'll see how that goes.-
Elizabeth said...
Well, I have similar problems and can't help you, but I'm in sympathy with you.
Sylvana said...
Elizabeth, well, if I figure it out, I will try and remember to let you know.
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