Then we will pile it on the other so they can enjoy the fresh, warm goodness. It is such a treat, especially in the colder months!!
nope said...
How lovely - such a simple thing to write about evokes wonderful smells and comfy feelings. Thank you!
evilsciencechick said...
heehee...foreplay in the frozen north!
see how I took something simple and innocent and make it dirty. yeah...sorry about that.
(we do the same thing!)-
OldRoses said...
I love warm laundry in the colder months! Sharing it with someone. Hmmmm...never thought of that. I'll have to find someone to share it with.
Shamus O'Drunkahan said...
It gets cold in Wisconsin?
sideshow bob said...
You have to becareful to ermemeber to sort through the load before you dump it on your loved ones...those hot zippers can really sting!
sideshow bob said...
I should really proof-read my comments...
Sylvana said...
Indiaiynke, I was reminded about this when I went in for a massage yesterday and she used hot stones on me. I said it was like warm laundry- she laughed.
ESC, I think everything can be talked about like it is dirty if you just word it right. It was nice to find that other people enjoy this simple pleasure too!
OldRoses, you could have a Warm Laundry party.
Shamus, not with warm laundry!
SSB, ermember is a word. It is when you suddenly realize that you forgot something.-
Lyvvie said...
Sassy and I share this special treat too! Towels just pulled out of the tumble dryer and shared cuddles - nothing sweeter!
Sylvana said...
Lyvvie, I have a portable radiator to heat my bathroom when taking a shower. Right before I get out of the shower, I will throw a towel over it so I have a nice hot towel to dry off with. AH! It is so nice!
sands of time said...
sounds lovely
Lovely Lisa said...
I love warm fresh laundry...smelling of snuggle or downy or whatever softner you use!!
My mom would always yell at us, but we loved jumping and burying ourselves in the pile of clean out of the dryer clothes!-
Spencer said...
Yankees! Ya all are so funny!
Winter don't know how you do it I can say it's fun to look at!-
Derek Knight said...
I don't know whether to smile or poke fun...
Sylvana said...
Pink Lady, it's the little things that keep you going sometimes.
Lovely Lisa, we use Bounce Outdoor Fresh Scent.
Spencer, I love winter. But I don't like it if it is cold without snow. I mean what's the point of cold without snow?
Derek, you can do both, if you like. But maybe you should try a warm laundry pile yourself sometime. It really is a treat!-
DrMax said...
If only you could keep you underwear fresh from the dryer warm all day long. Below zero? Bah!
Wendy A said...
It is important to stop and smell the flowers in life. Try dry lined sheet. They smell soooooo good. Good on ya mate. America can be a tough place to live.
Sylvana said...
DrMax, my favorite things to put on fresh from the dryer are socks and pants - but you have to watch out for the zippers in the pants!
Wendy A, our birds like to poop on our line dried clothes, so I opt for the dryer or hanging them up inside.
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