I am back on 10-12 hour work days.

Don't cry. I'll still be posting. I'm shooting for at least once a week - probably on the weekend.

But while you're here...

I have had something take up residence in my nose. It's been there for almost a month and I think it is driving me crazy. And bitchy.

An alien life-form you say? Could be.

Whatever it is, I'm all out of ideas - except for the toilet snake, which I am almost desperate enough to try now. Any ideas? Trust me, I've already covered all the obvious ones.

How weird do think it would be to go to the doctor and ask them to pick your nose for you?


OldRoses said...

Not weird at all! Doctors do that sort of thing all the time. Granted, it's usually on kids. You'll probably make their day. Give them something to talk about at the next party. "You'll never guess what I pulled out of this woman's nose . . ."

Sylvana said...

OldRoses, I like to give people stories to tell.

Shannon said...

I'm so creeped out- is this thing alive???

Sylvana said...

Shannon, I'm pretty sure that it's this guy

ag said...

I think this is my favorite post. I think more needs to be said about alien things that lodge in nostrils and cause misery. We're not alone. We must speak out!

Sylvana said...

AG, I knew I couldn't be alone!! And misery is so much easier to bear with company.

Lyvvie said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend - and I'm looking forward to some good Peeps action - last year's was AWESOME!

Thinking of you, and your peeps.

OH, and go see my pal Dr. Hoffman, he's an ear, nose and throat dr. who blogs. He's super - ask him and he'll tell you what to do, no insurance companies involved. Although, be open to the nasal douching - he swears by it.

peep peep

Evil Spock said...

Tis a shame that when I finally leave a comment, you're going on hiatus. By the way, I make spring rolls (the cold ones wrapped in rice paper) all the time. When herbs come back in season, I'll post pics and a recipe.

So you and Bob are husband and wife? Cool! I like that you guys write different blogs. Been trying to encourage the girlfriend to write . . .

Sylvana said...

Lyvvie we are going to try and do a photo shoot this weekend if we have time. We just have to go get a few more Peeps.

Here are last year's for those who didn't get to see them:
Peep Show #1
Peep Show #2

Evil Spock, welcome to my blog! I will still be around, just not as in depth as I would like to be - for a while anyway. But feel free to take a look at my previous posts. I suggest starting with Conversations At Our House.

Yeah! I want recipes for that! I keep buying the rice wraps for spring rolls but never get around to making them.

Yeah, we're yin and yang. It took me a while to get SSB interested in blogging - but he finally came over to the dark side! Muhwahaha!

Kari said...

Nice Peeps!!!

And I think that the doctor has heard stranger things before.

Sylvana said...

Kari, thanks. We have a lot of fun putting the scenes together - once we figure out what the heck we're going to do!

