18 Years

Thursday, February 12, 2009 | 0 Comments

WOW! SSB and I have been together a whole 18 years!! In some ways it seems like we have been together forever, but in a good way.

We had made plans to have a fun-packed weekend -- but we will be dog-sitting instead. Our older dog had a tumor removed on Wednesday and we are on chew-watch. He's far too nervous a dog for the "lampshade", a his vet calls it. I got a peek at his chart and in the "Warning" box was written "Caution: NERVOUS!"

Happy Valentine's Day!


Lyvvie said...


Sylvana said...

Lyvvie, thanks. And we're keeping up our anniversary tradition -- we can't go out and celebrate. Zero needs watching and just to be sure, I got a stomach virus. Blah!!

Shannon said...

Congratulations! I hope you guys make it out to celebrate at some point, and your dog gets better.

Sylvana said...

Shannon, we still haven't celebrated yet, but our dog is much better. Benign granuloma.

